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Mkdirs uses Auth.js v5 for authentication, supports email/password, GitHub, and Google authentication.


  1. Generate the AUTH_SECRET variable

    AUTH_SECRET is a random value, and you can generate one via running:

    Terminal window
    npx auth secret
    # or
    openssl rand -base64 32

    Then set it to the .env file.

    # [required]
  2. [Optional] Get the GitHub client variables

    If you want to use GitHub as an OAuth provider, you need to update the AUTH_GITHUB_ID and AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET variables.

    Follow the steps here to get the client_id and client_secret from the GitHub Developer Settings.

    For the callback URL, it is or http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/github for local development.

    # [only required if you want to support GitHub authentication]
    AUTH_GITHUB_ID = your_secret_client_id
    AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET = your_secret_client

    GitHub Client

  3. [Optional] Get the Google client variables

    If you want to use Google as an OAuth provider, you need to update the AUTH_GOOGLE_ID and AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET variables.

    You can get the client_id and client_secret from the Google Cloud Console.

    For the callback URL, it is or http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google for local development.

    # [only required if you want to support Google authentication]
    AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET = your_secret_client

    Google Client

Special Note

  1. Please note that the environment variables are different in development and production environments, make sure to create two different OAuth applications for the production and development environments.

  2. If you still have trouble with the authentication, for example, redirect_uri_mismatch or other issues, you can try to add the following environment variables to the .env file, only in the production environment.


Video tutorial

If you are interested in Next Auth V5, you can refer to the following video tutorial, it is a more advanced guide for Next Auth V5, so much better than the official documentation.

Further Reading